On The Road: Design Camp Time!

Greetings from Brainerd, Minnesota! It’s so great to be back up here again! Design Camp is a fall staple on my calendar and every year I look forward longingly to the crisp, cold air all the quality time I will spend with friends. It’s a different world than the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. The highs are in the 40s and 50s this weekend, and even this week, I was hanging out in triple digit temps. It’s a bit of a shock to the system, but as much as I miss Arizona, I’m happy to be here.

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On The Road: Phoneix, AZ (Part 1.)

Inspiration is a dead word, in my opinion. It’s over used and I think it has a lot of flowery, fluffy connotations. If we don’t look at it like that, though, I think we can see the importance of it’s role in creative work. When I travel, I am inspired, in both practical ways and the flowery, dead ways. I see beautifully created branding design, new natural surroundings, and diverse architecture. It builds a mental library of aesthetics, feelings and memories from which I can draw in creating new things for clients. If you haven’t already, read my post about travel and creative work.

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What Is Passion? (And What Isn't It?)

Passion is what keeps you in the game when failure is paving your way, and it's what separates you from the people who are just looking for a "cool" career and some extra money. It's not simply a feel-good high that makes you want to act. Here is what passion is and what it isn't.

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In My Bag: Wedding Photography Edition

Wedding season is officially underway, and a lot of clients want to know that you have the tools you need. Not every client does but occasionally you get the client asking about what kind of gear you have. They may recognize your tools of the trade, they may just want to know that you're prepared and not just bringing your iPhone to their big day. I thought I would give a rundown of what I carry with me on wedding days and how I prepare to capture my clients' most valuable moments.

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Cairn Vol. 11: It's been a mixed bag.

The last few weeks have been a mixed bag. A lot of really good things but a few really terrifying things. I met with a client last week who is working with a really interesting startup company (due to my confidentiality policy I won't disclose that here) that I'm super stoked to work with. On the sad and bad side things, the graphics card on my desktop computer crapped out.

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5 Unethical Ways To Sell Your Brand Short

These are some of the biggest temptations that new business owners face. Avoiding these may be more costly than not, but they are certainly cheaper than the consequences. Don't forget that part of building your brand is building your reputation and the integrity of your company, and that comes down to what you do when you think nobody will notice. Your brand is worth a good reputation. In fact, it depends on it.

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Cairn // vol. 10: New!

Lots of great things are happening these days! I got my passport, which I have been wanting for years. If you feel like getting hitched in Jamaica or you want portraits in the Canadian Rockies, I can do that now. Also in this section of entrepreneurial trail,  got a new organization tool from House of Flynn that my business has been needing for a long time, and I'm singing the praises of my friend Jill Belgarde.

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