Johnny + Megan // engagement

I’m gushing like crazy right now. These two are a beautiful pair, and they were so much fun to work with. There was so much laughter and goofing around with each other. I feel like it didn’t take long for them to get into the whole “being photographed” thing. Seriously, how gorgeous are these two?

Cairn // vol. 13: new skills. new goals.

Getting back to work after a vacation sucks. Who’s with me? I took a trip to Phoenix to help clear my head after a very tumultuous two months after my dad died. At first, I didn’t think I needed it but after I about a month, I started feeling the need to get away. By the time we reached T-7 days, I was about to lose it. Getting on that plane was so freeing, and now coming back, I feel much more able to handle work and life, and everything else.

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Trip Report: Phoenix, AZ

This was an incredible trip, with the food stealing the show. I’ve found myself inspired by colors, texture (everything is stucco), local architecture, landscapes and plant life. It was also refreshing to invest in the good friendships I have here. I sense that the roots in these friendships with Christie and Josh have thickened and deepened, but then it’s not hard to get close to someone when you watch them puke their guts out on a desert shrub.

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On The Road: Phoenix, AZ (Part 2)

Ready to talk about more food? Great! Me too! Because Phoenix has fed me well! Whatever Phoenix gets wrong, it makes up for in their food. This city has kept me busy for the last 10 days, and every bit of it has been a joy. I finally found my vibe, and was wined and dined. I’m heartbroken to leave, but I know it won’t be the last time I come back.

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On The Road: Design Camp Time!

Greetings from Brainerd, Minnesota! It’s so great to be back up here again! Design Camp is a fall staple on my calendar and every year I look forward longingly to the crisp, cold air all the quality time I will spend with friends. It’s a different world than the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. The highs are in the 40s and 50s this weekend, and even this week, I was hanging out in triple digit temps. It’s a bit of a shock to the system, but as much as I miss Arizona, I’m happy to be here.

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On The Road: Phoneix, AZ (Part 1.)

Inspiration is a dead word, in my opinion. It’s over used and I think it has a lot of flowery, fluffy connotations. If we don’t look at it like that, though, I think we can see the importance of it’s role in creative work. When I travel, I am inspired, in both practical ways and the flowery, dead ways. I see beautifully created branding design, new natural surroundings, and diverse architecture. It builds a mental library of aesthetics, feelings and memories from which I can draw in creating new things for clients. If you haven’t already, read my post about travel and creative work.

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What Is Passion? (And What Isn't It?)

Passion is what keeps you in the game when failure is paving your way, and it's what separates you from the people who are just looking for a "cool" career and some extra money. It's not simply a feel-good high that makes you want to act. Here is what passion is and what it isn't.

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