Cairn Vol. 36 // January 2022


January is the Monday of the new year. I like Mondays because I get to go to work, which is of course the same reason why other people hate Mondays. This one felt like a case of the Mondays, though. Getting going was a little brutal, kind of like every morning for me. Working enough was hard, but I also learned on a deeper level that sometimes when it’s hard to get going it’s our body telling us we need rest. So January was very much about Grace.

I had an empowering and challenging conversation with my father-in-law about sales. I’m not really a good sales person. I don’t like being pushy or anything like that. Glenn suggested that I sit down with his dad and talk. Over new years, we did. Three things have changed:

  • I started telling people that I’m hella good at what i do, and not being bashful. I’m not being an asshole, but I’m selling myself.

  • I’m coming prepared to wherever I go with business cards. I’m ready to get in contact. Those came in handy when I got my oil changed. I chatted with the service associate and found out she’s getting married and is looking for a photographer. I will be following up with her.

  • I started making moves to clarify my brand and my role in the industry. I can’t tell you what they are just yet, but there’s some kind of big shit in the works.

I learned that telling your story might piss some people off, but sometimes the only way you heal is by telling your story. One story I’m thinking about telling is about how I had criticism leveled at me a few years back by a couple I was second shooting for, and how that negatively impacted the way I see myself as a professional. Maybe there is some healing to be had in it.

I think that’s just the pattern so far this year. I’m stepping out in my business. I’m telling people who I am, I’m sharing my story, I’m making big decisions about big changes, and I’m just not backing down. I still struggle with confidence and faith that this business will ever be what I dream it to be, but you know what? Sometimes you have to do it when you lack faith and confidence. As they say, do it scared. Go into it with the confidence of a drunk person saying “hold my beer” even if you don’t have it.

That’s all I got, friends.

Cheers, xo.