Yes, Dear Vendor, It's A Wedding

The internet is full of articles and lists telling you how to save money on a wedding. Some of the suggestions you’ll find are helpful, but many of them are either dishonest, or undermine what you really want out of your wedding day. One suggestion I’ve seen a number of times is to avoid telling vendors it’s a wedding. It’s a popular misconception that venues jack up the price simply because its a wedding. Let’s take a look at a few different vendors that you may hire for a wedding day and talk about why you may want to be honest about why you’re hiring them.

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Your Wedding Day: What to Expect From Your Photographer

Every photographer does things differently, but for the most part, we all adhere to these things to some degree. Most photographers work on a timeline, take snack breaks, care for their clients well, and dress for the job. None of these things are unreasonable to expect from your photographer, however, I have read horror stories and witnessed some professionals straying from them. For the best experience on your big day, this is what I believe you should expect from and for your photographers.

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